Day 24 - Kona Kai on the rocks…almost

We departed our anchorage on schedule at 7 planning to reach Dent rapids noon for slack.  We entered Johnstone straight which was a little choppy but we had planned the tide and we had both in our favour, the chop was from the Northwest and the tide was flowing in so we made good time down the straight into Sunderland channel which almost got us to 13 knots at one point. 

After another of Patti’s granola specials for breakfast and our uneventful transit of the first 2 rapids, Whirlpool and Greene Point, we got cell service back and I got a voicemail from Peter, one of the owners of Denham Bay resort located just before Dent rapids that they were open for moorage so we decided to leave our transit of Dent for the 7am slack tommorrow and spend a nice relaxing day in the first real sunshine we’ve had for the trip and tie up there.

Sarah met us at the dock and I had just kissed the dock using the wind to push me in when I went aft to help Roman with the lines.  My life jacket strap or something must have bumped the boat into gear as all I heard when I went aft was a yell “slow down!!!”.  I looked up and the boat was making its way forward at a good clip to the rocky shore in front of the dock with poor Sarah trying her best to hang onto the line.  I don’t think my feet hit the stairs as I shot back up to the fly bridge and slammed her into full reverse both engines with about 5 feet to spare before the rocks.  Disaster averted but the kayak on the starboard side served as an excellent bumper to take the impact into the dock pilings…this is why I buy Craigslist stuff…$150 for the kayak.  Cheaper than the 20 boat bucks it would have been…Gabriela is still with us.  

This all happened so fast, Patti didn’t even have time to utter her 5 famous words “Roman we’ve got a situation” Sarah regaled us with her tales of earning her Sub-Mariners certificate and sinking her boat by way of a stuck bilge pump.  Thank god we didn’t join this exclusive club. 

Sarah and Peter have created a wonderful spot here with cabins for rent and enough space for 5-7 good sized boats, they run the place off a water-powered generator and its rustic but very well designed with the most amazing central cooking area for the cabin guests and a great outdoor barbecue area for the boaters which we will be taking advantage of tonight for our last steak.  Peter has been involved in the salmon fishing industry for years and Sarah has been travelling the world and working as a pastry chef for resorts so they are the prefect owners of this little gem which they intend to keep open to the public as the other resorts have all been bought up by the Nordstrom’s, the HY Louie’s and the Dennis Washington’s. The world needs more Peter and Sarah’s.

This will be a relaxing day exploring some trails and playing some horseshoes…all after Roman and Patti’s afternoon nap…Patti has tried but so far I just can’t partake…😀

We took the skiff around the point in the afternoon to Dent Island to see the rapids in full Ebb and the whirlpools and got up close and personal with a group of about 30 harbour seals.

Roman made 2 pizza’s with the days sourdough batch in the outdoor kitchen using the bbq to bake them with the killer terrace and View overlooking Cordero Channel. Another “you can shoot me now” moment of this trip. 

We ended it with a sunset drink on the back deck and a chat with Sarah about her life on the coast.  A perfect end to a perfect day in one of the most beautiful places on the planet.

Running time 5 hours, 210L used, 547L remaining, 13 hours range. 


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