Day 16 - Homeward Bound

Departing God’s Pocket at 7 we made our way through the idyllic Moffat Islands and crossed Chatham Sound to head back into Prince Rupert harbour.  The wind had picked up so I called ahead to the marina for some assistance docking which I knew was going to be a challenge with a southwest and my port engine.  We got in with a little difficulty and we decided to head to Cowpuccino for a latte but Adrian was waiting for us at the top of the dock with the spare starter.  Things were falling into place.  

2 hours later, after a lesson on how to properly bleed air from the fuel lines (it involves loosening every injector in sequence and cranking the engine to get fuel to spill out and then tightening the injector) we had the engine purring - back in business.

The rest of the day involved a run to buy new air filters for the engines as both were clogged with fire extinguisher chemicals, a grocery shop at Safeway, refuelling, water and ice and we eventually left the dock at 4 to head south.  

It feels like the trip is starting again and our master navigator got some tips from Kevin at the marina on places to see that we had missed on the run north.  The weather was a mixed bag of sun, wind and occasional rain squalls which lead to some beautiful rainbows as we got closer to the entrance to Grenville channel.  

We are anchored in 60 feet of water in another beautiful spot in Kumealon Inlet, the only boat again.  Views of snow capped mountains and small islets all around us. After Romans rigatoni and Italian sausage and our go to Caesar salad we’re all pooped so we’re headed to bed, no crib tonight. 

4.5 hours running, 190L used.  945L main tanks - 22 hours range 


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